Philosophy of Counseling

Philosophy of Counseling

  • Incarnational-we take seriously the call to Image Christ and His heart for sinners and sufferers to the best of our ability
  • BiblicallyInformed-the Bible is our plumb line, authority, and measure of the fullness of life and joy that God desires for His people
  • Holy SpiritEmpowered-we recognize that real change is what God does in the hearts of those who surrender to His work
  • GospelCentered-the person and work of Christ in redemption is where hope and restoration can be found
  • CommunityOriented-much of the issues we face come from isolation and lack of biblical community so we encourage and exhort individuals to involve biblical community in the process
  • EquippingPurposed-our ultimate goal is not simply removal of symptoms but inward change leading to life change that allows individuals to comfort others in the way they are comforted in Christ
  • Termed-every person is different and their issues unique but our goal is to see individuals exit counseling at an agreed upon point between counselor and counselee in order to plug back into the relationships around them with deeper authenticity and equipping to face what may come

It truly is our honor and joy that others would be willing to open their lives so that we might walk with them for a season.  We get the joy of seeing God redeem and transform lives before our very eyes giving God all the glory for His work!